I keep my music on this private site. If you'd like to listen, ask me via email for a login password. Once in you'll also see lyrics and comments and have the ability to leave comments of your own.

I'm currently (2024) writing a 'folk musical/opera' set deep in a former gold mine - now a collection of physics and science labs, and have written a mess of songs and some dialogue. These labs exist in Lead, South Dakota. I'd like to bring this project before an audience.

Over the past couple of years I've been publishing music online on FAWM (the February Album Writing Month) and have gotten great feedback and support. FAWM comments are included on this site.

In addition to the musical/opera, I've been concentrating on story-songs and musical haiku.

Want to talk?:
dan.robinson [at] pobox100.com

I'm open to collaboration

These days I perform on occasion to keep my chops up in Maryland (near DC) and in the Pacific Northwest (near Canada); sometimes at open mics, sometimes busking at farmer's markets.

thanks to:

• Fellow musicians and friends who I've worked with over the years

• FAWM (February Album Writing Month) - a wondrous collection of thousands of songwriters around the world - for fab feedback and supportive comments

• The House of Musical Traditions, Rhizome, and My Dead Aunt's Books (they hosted my composition and performance classes)

• Takoma Park TV, the Maryland Small Business Development Center network, and various other clients and associates for giving me the chance to produce video. A special shout out to Marisela Vilamil and the crew of 'El Chapulin Colorado/The Red Grasshopper'

• My co-lyricist Reid Baron and a wonderful gang of musical friends and colleagues for work on the album: Karma Casino

• Great kids at Piney Branch Elementary School guitar clubs (through the PTA)

• David, Karen, Russ, Ken, Rob, the Erics, Mindy, and other musical brothers and sisters of the TakomaZone collaborative, where a torrent of talent rushed down the valleys

• Carol Whittam and The Takoma Singers (we tackled a couple of Moondog tunes!)

• John Lion and friends at The Magic Theatre in SF, where I was the sound designer and composer for four years - we mounted only first run plays including some by Sam Shepherd and Michael McClure

• Tony Gnazzo, Pauline Oliveros, Stan Lunetta, Charles Amerkhanian and other electronic artists who were mentors and friends

• The UC Davis Electronic Music Department for accepting me as an undergraduate minor, and for bringing John Cage as an Artist in Residence.

• Accordianist Charlie Brown (real name) for taking me under your wing when I was in high school

• Wolfman Jack and all the AM folks who brought folk, surf, rock, country, tex-mex, R&B, Brit invasion and more to my Arizonan world via transistor radio to help me start my musical journey, and to my friend Tom Kusian, my first musical compadre